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  • Responsive Restorative Process

Restoritive Counselor: Richard Navarro

Room: L111

Phone: (559) 248-1180

Email: Richard.Navarro@fresnounified.org

It is our intention to provide each student at McLane High School with a safe educational environment. The Discipline Policy for McLane High School is a work in progress created from several concepts and trainings past and present.  McLane High School is part of a Pilot Region of the Fresno Unified School District which is charged with developing and applying Restorative Practices.  Our Restorative Practices is a hybrid of Restorative Justice and traditional Assertive/Progressive Discipline Models.  While discipline models of the past have been based on punitive ideals and practices, McLane’s procedures of Restorative Practices are based on Restorative Justice, which operates from the ideal of Restoring Relationships as well as addressing and changing undesired behaviors. This is in contrast to punitive policies which often repeatedly punish the offender, resulting in little or no change.  Consequences for misbehavior and poor choices are a part of the Restorative Practices system as well, however the prime objective of McLane’s policy is to restore relationships and address misbehavior to achieve the goal of permanent, positive change.

Flowchart combined with a Decision Tree chart of the Responsive Restorative process

McLane’s Restorative Response System is a procedure designed with many levels of support, intended to address the needs of both students and staff.  As teachers are the best sources of student observation and are those who are most familiar with the needs, behaviors and whims of our students, there have been two channels of response created for teachers to access our Restorative Response System.  There is a pathway for Teachers needing immediate intervention and assistance, i.e. removal of a student from the classroom, and a pathway for a teacher to request Restorative Action for a student whom they notice to be in need. (These Restorative pathways or channels are access points to the Restorative Response System, but are only a part of McLane’s array of options for students, which include SAP, School Psych, etc.)

Restorative Response System Procedure for students needing immediate action:

  1.  After several attempts at addressing situation, teacher contacts Call Center (81058) to contact operator for dispatch of C.A. to classroom
  2. Teacher fills out electronic Restorative Response Referral Form from the Link on computer. Electronic referral is sent to every Vice-Principal (VP) and to Restorative Coordinator (RC).
  3. Student is escorted to room AC-202 by a C.A. where they will meet with a VP and/or RC.
  4. VP and/or RC will reference the electronic referral to address the situation.
  5. Response will be determined by situation; further intervention into process or consequences assigned to student may ensue.  (Consequences may include, but are not limited to parent conference/class accompaniment, Lunch Detention, After-school Detention, Campus Beautification, Suspension, Expulsion, Arrest- Fresno PD)
  6. When teacher has time during that same day, teacher enters incident into ATLAS.
  7. Vice-Principal or Restorative Coordinator enter conference and outcome into ATLAS
  8. Vice-Principal or Restorative Coordinator may contact Teacher or offended party for a follow up meeting with student. Parent may or may not be included in this meeting.


  • Students will not be seen without an electronic referral. Paper referrals will not be accepted. If unable to complete E-Referral, please provide explanation to CA.
  • Teachers are not to send students directly to Room AC-202 without CA escort and electronic referral. Students arriving at Room AC-202 without CA escort or previously completed electronic referral will not be admitted and will be sent back to classroom.

Restorative Response System Procedure – Request for Restorative Intervention 

  1. Teacher recognizes student under duress; completes an electronic Restorative Request Form.
  2. Restorative Coordinator receives request, retrieves student at later time.
  3. Student and Restorative Coordinator meet and conference, RC makes assessment as to which area of support student will proceed.
  4. Student is supported through Restorative Coordinator and Restorative line of process (See Diagram) or is transitioned into area of severe need, which is domain of Vice-Principal or Site-Admin (See Diagram)
  5. Restorative Coordinator inputs information regarding meeting and outcome into ATLAS.
  6. Teacher may or may not be contacted for follow-up meeting or conference.

Regulations regarding the temporary removal of students from class and/or school:

Suspension is the temporary removal of students from class (In-school Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension) or from school sponsored activities (Co-curricular Suspension). Students may be suspended for the following reasons:

  • Violation of any state law or local ordinance in a school building, on school grounds, or at a school sponsored activity. Specific examples of these violations are listed in Educational Code 48900, PROHIBITED CONDUCT.
  • Violation of FUSD or school rules or regulations established under School Board Policy; refer to Board Policy 48900.5, PROHIBITED CONDUCT. Student actions or inactions at school sponsored activities which disrupt, interfere with or pose a threat to the educational program, to other students, to staff, to visitors, or to the student personally.

The primary purpose of suspension is to give the student, his or her parents/guardians, and the school the time needed to resolve the problem. The duration of suspension is related to a course of action designed to resolve the problem.

Special Conditions of Suspension:

  • A student may not participate in extracurricular activities during the term of his/her suspension.
  • A parent/guardian shall be notified whenever a student is suspended, and a mandatory conference will be held before the student may return to school.
  • Students who are on a suspension are not allowed on any FUSD Campus and may not attend any school functions.

Additional Policies And Procedures:


  • Students who choose not to obey the rules set forth by the transportation department will receive the following consequences:
  • First Referral – Driver discusses the infraction with student. If the infraction is severe enough, the driver may issue a citation which will result in suspension from the bus up to 3 days. Parent/Guardian will be contacted.
  • Second Referral – Driver issues school bus citation. This will be given to the school administrator. Conference will be held with parent-driver-official from transportation. Suspension is up to 10 days.
  • Third Referral – All of the requirements from a second citation will be implemented and student will be suspended from the bus for 9 weeks.
  • Severe Referral – Below is a list of inappropriate behavior that will result immediate suspension of transportation privileges.
  • 1. Physical harm or threat to another person.
  • 2. Fighting
  • 3. Weapons
  • 4. Smoking or the use of drugs.
  • 5. Constant refusal to obey the bus driver.
  • 6. Total disruption of the bus.
  • 7. Harassing and/or bullying.
  • Note: Any violation of school, bus or district rules can result in additional consequences.


Students who fail to appropriately utilize the computer network will be subject to consequences. Students are not allowed to be on district computers unless authorized by the teacher or librarian. All work must be part of the classroom curriculum assigned by the teacher.

First Offense – Student is assigned loss of computer privileges for five school days and subject to pay for the fixing of the system.

Second Offense – Student is assigned loss of computer privileges for the semester and subject to pay for all costs of fixing the system or computer.

Third Offense – Student is assigned loss of computer privileges for the school year and subject to pay for all costs of fixing the system or computer.

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